The Why…
To strength a Network of Healthy Churches and Healthy Leaders
Where we’ve been…
It is written that there is a time and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:6 specifically mentions “a time to search, and a time to give up”. After more than twenty years trying to search for the right strategy for The Hills Of Windsor, it seemed to some it was time to give up. Fortunately for us, the will of The Lord does not bend to our weariness or fatigue.
As we would collectively fast and pray together for the next Great Awakening to heal our land, The Lord kept bringing us back to the four hundred and thirty acres of Appalachian wilderness. The more we prayed, the more there was an experience similar to Elizabeth’s in Luke 1:41-44. What seemed like a project that would no longer move began to leap in our spirits. It was a great reminder that The Lord is in control, His appointed time is the right time, and there has been no better season for this project than right now.